Decree of the President of the Republic dated 21st June 1945 No 12 on the confiscation and accelerated distribution of the agrarian properties of the Germans, Magyars and also of the traitors and enemies of the Czechoslovak people.

To meet the claim of the Czech and Slovak landless people for a consequent realisation of a further landreform and especially in the intention to take away the Czech and Slovak soil once for ever from the hands of German and Magyar landowners or of the traitors of the Republic and to hand it over into the hands of the Czech and Slovak farming community and of the landless, I order on request of the government:


1. With immediate effect is expropriated without compensation in favour of the landreform the farm property owned by:
a) all persons of German or Magyar nationality without respect to citizenship;
b) the traitors and enemies of the Republic, irrespectively of their nationality and citicenship, who testified this hostility during the crisis and during the war in the years from 1938 till 1945;
c) limited companies and other companies or corporations if their management consciously and intentionally served the German conduct of war or fascist and nazi aims.
2. To persons of German or Magyar nationality who participated activly in the struggle for the maintenance of the integrity and the liberation of the Czechoslovak Republic the farm properties according to sec.1 are not confiscated.
3.The relevant district national committee decides on request of the relevant farmers committee whether an exemption according to section 2 is authorized. Doubtful cases are presented by the district national committee to the County National Committee which presents them together with opinion to the ministry of agriculture which finds its conclusion in agreement with the ministry of the interior.


1.Persons of German or Magyar nationality are deemed to be persons who confessed German or Magyar nationality during any census since 1929 or became members of national groups, formations or political parties which were constituted by persons of German or Magyar nationality.
2. Exemtions from the rules of section 1 are ordered by a special decree.


1. Traitors and enemies of the Czechoslovak Republic are deemed to be :
a) Persons who collectively or individually displayed an activity aimed against the state sovereignty, the independence, the integrity, the democratic-republican form of government, the security and military strength of the Czechoslovak Republic, who provoked such an activity or tried to seduce other persons to such an activity and who actively supported the German and Magyar occupants by any means.
b) Legal entities whoes management intentionally and actively served the German or Magyar conduct of war or the fascist or nazi aims.
2) On request of relevant district national committee the relevant County National Committee for the area of the affected property decides whether a natural person or a legal entity is concerned by the rules of section 1, lit. a), b). Doubtful cases the County National Committee presents to the ministry of agriculture which decides in agreement with the ministry of the interior.